
Please complete the form so we may properly address your sample request. If you need a sample for non-agricultural purposes, please complete our standard sample request form.

Fields with * are required.

Personal Information:

* Do you currently use boron?:

* Are you currently a customer?:

Technical Information:

* Purpose of request:

* How large of a sample do you need?:

How are you planning to use the sample?:

Additional Information:

U.S. Borax 是 Rio Tinto 的一部分,是硼酸盐施肥和科学领域的全球领导者。在农业上,我们的硼肥产品为作物提供必要的营养元素。在美硼有约一千名员工,为遍布全球的六百五十个客户提供服务,交付地点超过一千七百。 我们在距洛杉矶东北部约 100 英里的加利福尼亚州 Boron 的世界一流矿山提供全球精制硼酸盐供应量的大约 30%。  了解更多有关 Rio Tinto 的信息

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